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 With Me


For as long as I could remember, being African American meant working ten times as hard to get half the credit or no credit at all. It meant altering your appearance and/or voice to get the job or to simply not be judged. It meant being an automatic weapon or stereotype, leaving us in constant fear for our Black men. 

We are so much more than the color of our skin and should never over look it's beauty. Our skin sparkles in the sunlight, glistens in the moonlight and deserves to be celebrated.

Melanin Monday is meant to celebrate the very things society tries to take away from the African American Community..

Our strength, joy, beauty, power, excellence, and so much more.

From creamy vanilla to, honey to coffee -

Help me celebrate the various shades of Melanin magnificence.



Be A Part Of The 

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Don't just stop at reading my posts.  Your Melanin deserves to be celebrated.  Your skin represents beauty, strength, power and so much more. 

**Send me a photo via Email, Instagram or Twitter to be a part of Melanin Monday.

Thank-You for allowing me to celebrate you

and share your beauty with the world !

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